About Royal Harmonics

For us, it’s all about the harmonies, and all about entertainment. At the heart of what we do are the distinctive ringing chords of close harmony singing: lead, bass, baritone and tenor voices coming together to create a rich unified blend. And we aim to perform our varied repertoire of songs in innovative ways, often with imaginative staging and interpretations.

Our musical roots are in the barbershop style, and we are members of the British Association of Barbershop Singers (BABS). We are proud to have won the Silver Medal at the BABS national chorus competition in 2008, and have placed in the top 5 every year in the country. For 2025 (our silver anniversary year) we have been selected to represent the UK at the European Compeition in Sweden.

We present the best in popular music in our own close harmony, a cappella style. If you’ve a penchant for pop, we’ve great harmony arrangements of songs by Seal, Queen, Billy Joel, Smokey Robinson... If the Great American Songbook is your thing, we bring you songs from Gershwin, Mercer, Hart and Rodgers, including songs made famous by the likes of Sinatra and Fitzgerald... Songs from the shows? How about a bit of Sweet Charity, On A Clear Day, or Jekyll & Hyde?... Or perhaps something a bit more traditional? We sing a little gospel and folk too, for good measure. We can assure you our list of songs is forever changing so there is always something new to hear from us.


The Story So Far

The Royal Harmonics is the performing chorus of Windsor A Cappella, a club founded in 2000 by a group of six guys who shared a vision of ‘singing excellence and serious fun’. Within eighteen months, the group had grown to 20 in number, and in 2002 we serenaded HM the Queen and the Royal party in Windsor as part of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations.

Our reputation as an entertaining chorus grew, and before long we were in demand to perform at various events and festivals both at home and abroad, our travels taking us to Ireland, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Austria. Back at home, we performed for Prime Minister-to-be David Cameron in 2009.

Our first CD, Yours Harmonically, released in 2004, showcased the clean unified sound that was becoming our trademark. With people moving away from CDs we have embraced the digital age, with our more recent performances being on YouTube.

In December 2011 we were once again privileged to perform for HM The Queen and Prince Philip at a private lunch party at a manor house hotel in Berkshire.

Let Us Entertain You!

Our award-winning chorus, as well as smaller ensembles such as quartets, are available to entertain at festivals, sporting events, weddings, private parties, corporate functions, and charity events. Why not make our unique brand of entertainment part of your next special occasion? Here’s what just one of our clients said about The Royal Harmonics...


“Night after night, audiences commented how wonderful the singing was, at how much atmosphere was created... my lasting image is of a group of men singing the sound of heaven from the stage, uplifting both cast and audience, and more than once bringing a tear to the producer’s eyes.”

Andy Barrett, Producer,
Maidenhead Players

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Royal Harmonics